How To Remove Bike Crank Without Puller
It isn't very hard to perform the task of how to remove bike crank without puller. But it is very difficult and near impossible to remove it without harming the crack in at least some degree. Many of the suggestions online will most definitely damage the crank. I've tried many of them, and they are simply not worth the effort or money. How to remove bike crank without puller, is very simple. The first step is to get your hands on a socket wrench, or any other type of open-ended wrench. If you can, it would be better if you had two of them. These will make the job go faster. Get the best quality wrench that you can afford. Next, check your bike's cranked to make sure that it isn't loose. If you are replacing a cracked crank, it isn't going to go very far without further cracking. So it is necessary to check this part. You may even want to use a screwdriver between the pinion and the chain to help you remove it. Once you've taken out the chain, you'll notice t...